Liberation: Discovering Who We Truly Are

hawk with open wings in blue sky

I sometimes feel trapped. I keep jumping into boxes that don’t fit. I know I live in a society with rules and prescribed behaviors, but it feels so confining. Why can’t I just be me?

Knowing Ourselves

Our true essence is born with us when we enter this earth. As children, we are dependent on the adult world for our survival. Although our true essence may shine through naturally in our early lives, those who try to guide us may not see or understand that essence. They guide us within the limits of their own perspectives and abilities. Sometimes this can extinguish a child’s light.

Self-knowledge and acceptance are essential foundations of discovering who we really are. As adults, it is a great and continuing challenge to shed the conditioning, pain, opinions of others and societal pressures of our childhoods. We peel back these things one-by-one to see what lies underneath. This is the hero’s journey.

A focus on who we really are serves us and leads us to being the best we can be. Openings appear as we set this focus. These Openings may be in the form of things showing up in our lives – both ones we align with as well as ones we do not. They help us to know who we are and what we want in our lives.

Allowing Some Freedom

One way to get started in uncovering our true essence is to allow ourselves freedom. We can let go of the “shoulds” in our lives and move towards what fulfills us and makes us happy. We can start small, allowing ourselves freedom in a part of every day. We can allow ourself some pleasure each day or pursue something we’ve longed for.

Open space is a key element of freedom. It gives us room to breathe. So much has crowded our true essence and covered it up over the years. Open space can take the form of quiet time – a bit every day or big chunks when time permits. Within open space, Openings will appear that we could not see before, allowing our creativity and self-expression room to grow.

Freedom involves release – of old attitudes and perceptions, things that no longer serve us and the constraints of the past. We have filled ourselves up over the course of our lives and now can remove some of the clutter that is masking our true selves. Freedom refreshes our true nature and we gradually see ourselves anew.

Letting Go Of Constraints

As we allow ourselves freedom and begin to let go of constraints, our true essence begins to emerge – naturally and gracefully. We may find new perspectives on our lives, new desires, new preferences and new directions. We can try them out and see how they work for us. They provide a benchmark and comparison with the life we once knew and hopefully, we like them better.

➟ My New Directions Coaching program is perfect for a time of letting go of constraints. It quickens change and supports you in making choices that honor your true self.


Often, as we let go of constraints, there is friction in our lives. We are changing and much of the world around us stays the same. Our movement can be a threat to those who are close to us, providing a mirror for their own lives. We can go carefully and slowly, understanding that our evolution is affecting them. However, we must keep going and pursue what is best for us.

As we let go of constraints, Openings may fill their space. We can walk through the Openings that appeal to us and, in doing so, find ourselves in new surroundings. Openings can lead us to the support and affirmation we need to create a life that honors our true self. We can breathe into who we really are and find our way to happiness and fulfillment.


As we proceed, we begin to see that we have been existing in a prison constructed by others, society, our fears and our lack of self-knowledge. This is through no fault of our own. We were once children, dependent on others, but now we are adults and can assert control over our lives and actions. We can break these shackles and begin to live a life that is truly ours.

Where is the purpose in setting ourselves free? The world deserves to know us – the real us. As we know ourselves, our unique gifts are revealed and honored. We are happier in our lives. The fears and constraints of the past no longer dictate our actions or hurt others. We walk the world in the light of our true selves and everyone benefits.

Liberation is the reward of an arduous and fascinating journey – one of coming back to ourselves. As we each take this journey, we transform and encourage others to do the same. What would the world be with the liberation of all of us to our true essence? An exciting, promising and enchanting place!

I am getting to know myself better and enjoying the process. Openings are appearing and I am returning to who I am. What an irony and blessing it is to know myself for the first time. It is a liberation!


photo: Peter Pham,


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